
Norbert Bolz – media scientist

“Reality is the rare ’blue blossom’ in the realm of technology. It is something one can still dream of, authentic reality. But we have long been living in a world that is mainly constructed. The medium of this construction is the technical image.” “Reality is the rare ’blue blossom’ in the realm of technology....

Yvonne Hofstetter – lawyer

„All image data are worked into an analysis, to profile a person. If you only use someone’s picture that is an inevitable reduction. A reduction of a person to a data pile, to what is measurable, visible, quantifiable. The picture that's made of you as a profile can only be a severe curtailment...

Emmanuel Mogenet – Head of Google Research Europe

“Just doing this, building a computer vision stack that's powerful enough to splice the world in its components is something that will get us to a very basic semantic understanding of a scene. Need lots of data. But we do have tons of images, all the videos on YouTube. These are immediate business...

Evgeny Morozov – writer

“A lot of us do not have a clear picture of how Google has managed to produce so much value for itself. How come it has become so profitable? So, of course, we understand that to some extent every time we use it, every time we search for something, we make these algorithms...

Kurt Caviezel – photographer

“Nowadays, I describe the internet as one big camera. The millions of webcams that are scattered all over the world, are its lenses. So now I have a camera with millions of lenses and see what images the cameras deliver.” „I would maybe describe myself as a curator, something along these lines, so I...

Fred Ritchin – International Center of Photography

“There used to be the big magazine in the United States, the picture magazine, was Life Magazine, and then the big magazine after that was “People” magazine, it wasn’t about life, it was about people, and then the big magazine after that was “Us” magazine, it wasn’t about people anymore, it was just...

Christlieb Klages – lawyer

“Of course you can tell this, but depicting it is difficult. The fact that you and your children love the same film is free information. You can use the title. But if you want to show your children enjoying it visually, that would be reillustrating.” “But that is a use of another party's footage...

Cem Kaya – filmmaker

“I’m Cem Kaya, director, documentary filmmaker, and the film I have just finished is called „Remake, Remix, Rip-Off“. It’s about the lax copyright laws in Turkey at this time.” “It then gains this quality where you say ‘yes, it’s fun watching this because it’s different from what the American mainstream dictates’. Why? Because there...

Matthias Bruhn – art historian

“It has nothing to do with naivety, image magic, deep belief in the image, or local tribes who fear the camera lens or start to giggle when you give them a camera and say “ah, it will steal my soul”. A part of the soul is stolen.” “Something could happen to this picture. You can...

Timm Rautert – photographer

“Photography introduced something into the world, and into the world of images, that was completely different from anything that had come before.” “And then there is the appearance of reality in front of me. Indelible. Stored on the negative in the truest sense of the word: burned in. The appearance of something real is...