
Anil Sabharwal

“Gold Google Photos has to start on the foundation of user trust. The most important thing. We are asking you to store your lifetime of memories with us. Unlimited, for free. And, I think that is pretty compelling for a lot of people who wanna be able to maintain these memories and be...

Fei-Fei Li

„My name is Fei-Fei Li. I'm the chief scientist of Google Cloud, A.I. and machine learning.“ „The title of my talk is visual intelligence.“ „How we build visually intelligent machines?“ „Computers that can also see like us.“ „How do we teach computers to understand the visual depth of the world?“ “Luckily for me I arrived at a unique...

Jeff Koons

“Snapchat is a creative platform and it lets us be able to communicate with each other and to transmit ideas. It’s so exciting to see the lenses come to life. Hundreds of people can be doing this at one time. Thousands! I can’t wait to see all the creativity that comes from this....

Kevin Systrom

“Images could be an international language, you don’t have to speak English to understand someone’s photo.” “At the end of the day, there is no better way to consume what’s happening in the world other than images and video, and I think Instagram is at the natural nexus of both of those.” source: “This Is...

Katherine Maher

„The law on this is very clear. Only humans can hold copyright, animals can’t. And although Mr Slater did have his camera and he was in Indonesia the monkey took the photograph, and so this is an issue of public domain.” source: “Wikimedia says taking a selfie is monkey business”...

Steve Jobs

“It comes down to trying to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done and then try to bring those things in to what you are doing. I mean, Picasso had a saying, he said: Good artists copy, great artists steal. And we have been shameless about stealing great ideas.“ source: “Steal...

Austin Kleon

„I know something that a lot of artists know, but few will admit to, and that is, nothing is completely original. All creative work builds on what came before.” source: “Steal Like An Artist_Austin Kleon at TEDxKC”...

Chris Marker

“The photo is the hunt. It's the instinct of hunting without the desire to kill. It's the hunt of angels...

Ramon Luzarraga

“And throughout the history of the church, even in the present day, people want to smash these icons.” source: "Icons versus the Heresy of Iconoclasm"...